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  •  ONE STOP - IAMS (INDUSTRIAL AREA MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) is going to be launched.:

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Building Plan Approval

Building Plan Approval Management System

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Building Plan Approval Management System (BPAMS) is a new revolutionary tool implemented by Town & Country Planning Department(TCP), Government of Goa to help speed up the process of building plan compliance check in accordance with building by-laws of TCP-GOA. Its high speed and accuracy is a boon to all stakeholders.Within minutes it is capable of analyzing the building plans and generates a set of Reports, which are comprehensive and easily understandable to all stake holders.

The complete process pertaining to the scrutiny of building plan, construction and issuing technical clearance/completion order is automated by BPAMS. The BPAMS system introduced by TCP, Goa focuses on efficiency, transparency, accountability and responsiveness thereby speeding the approval process and enhancing the ease of doing business.

The building & land plan approval process relates to the issue of permission for the construction of buildings based on specific set of rules and regulations. As per the relevant provisions of the State Municipality Acts, any person desirous of undertaking a construction activity (fresh construction as well as modifications to existing structures) is required to obtain prior sanction from the relevant local body before embarking on the same. The building plan approval is envisaged to facilitate quick processing and disposal of building plan permissions, standardization of building fee & other charges, automation of the technical scrutiny, effective monitoring of file processing.

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